Month: January

North Nodaway, Northeast Nodaway celebrate court warming

The King and Queen from North Nodaway and Northeast Nodaway were crowned at respective ceremonies. Northeast Nodaway held their community pep rally on January 23, while North Nodaway held theirs after the boys basketball game on January 24. The North Nodaway King and Queen are Owen Martin and Neveah Smith. Martin is the son of

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Lions host fish, chicken fry in Graham

The Graham Lions Club is holding a fish and chicken fry from 4:30 to 7 pm, Saturday, February 1 at the Community Building in Graham. The menu is carp, catfish, chicken, mountain oysters, salad and potatoes. Adults are $15 and children age 11 and under are $5.

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MECC announces registration for 2025-26 preschool

Families with students new to the program will need to complete an enrollment form at the Maryville Early Childhood Center (MECC) front office at 418 East Second, from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday, February 10 through 14. They will also sign up for an appointment for the preschool screening day on Monday,

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Pageant winners receive crowns

Contestants competed in the Miss Northwest Pageant January 25 with the ultimate goal of becoming Miss America and Miss America Teen. The event had 13 girls vie for five crowns. Those pictured at the end of the pageant were: Executive Director Kendell Misemer, Miss Maryville Elsa Cardin, Miss Northwest Katelynn Smith, Miss Northwest Teen Jaycee McMillian,

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Farnan named House committee chair

House Speaker Jon Patterson announced the formation of 32 House Committees and named his Committee Chair selections for the 103rd General Assembly. Among the chairs, Representative Jeff Farnan was named to be the Conservation and Nature Resources committee leader. “Each and every representative chosen is highly qualified and capable for the position of chair,” Patterson,

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Butch Schieber

Lawrence “Butch” Schieber, 93, Maryville, died Thursday, January 23, 2025, at the Kansas City Hospice House, Kansas City. He was born August 2, 1931, in Conception, to Lawrence J. and Eleanor A. Lager Schieber. He was a graduate of Conception High School. On July 19, 1969, he married Mary Louise Cicewski in Atchison, KS. She

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6 agencies receive $220,000 in tax dollars

The Nodaway County Senior Services Fund Tax Board met January 15 in the county’s Administrative Center to divide senior citizen tax monies. These monies were gathered from the 5¢ per $100 assessed valuation across Nodaway County. The tax has been collected annually since 2000, and each year, the senior services tax board designates the amount

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Great Northwest Day participants speak to state legislators, department officials

As legislators begin a new session in Jefferson City, citizens from the nineteen-county region of Northwest Missouri, including multiple communities and representatives from business, education, healthcare and government, will come together in Jefferson City to educate legislators on Northwest Missouri counties and to discuss issues that are critical to the region with the annual Great

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News Leader introduces new ad rep 

Karma Coleman, Maryville, is the newest member of the Nodaway News Leader family, joining as an advertising representative. Coleman has been working closely with local businesses and members of the community in advertising sales during the first few weeks of her new position. Coleman, a Hopkins native, graduated from Northwest Missouri State with a bachelor’s degree in

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