John Nelson, Maryville, was inducted, July 3, at the Elks Spring Convention in Austin, TX, as the new District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler.

His term will be for one year. Nelson has served on the district level as a district director, district vice-president, esquire to the district deputy and now the district deputy. To serve in the position, an Elk must be a past exalted ruler. He will be taking online seminar classes.

He will be visiting seven lodges in the district, Maryville, Cameron, Chillicothe, Trenton, Milan, Excelsior Springs and Brookfield. There will be an Elks auditor who will accompany him on his visits. Nelson’s duties will include making sure the lodge is being run well, looking at the financial report, filing tax papers and reports overseeing the actual operations of the lodge. These findings will be reported to the state group.

“It’s been several years since someone in our lodge has taken this path because of the distances involved between lodges,” Nelson said.

Nelson was instrumental in getting the new lodge facility, the former Maryville Public Safety building at 222 East Third Street for the Elks. The club area is finished and is in use. Nelson is hoping the venue side will be operational this fall.