The Nodaway County Ambulance District Board of Trustees held their meeting on July 10.
The tools for the Burlington Jct. Rescue Squad are coming in, but the AED has not. The Tri-C Rescue Squad had a CPR class with nine people attending.
Director of Operations Jared McQueen gave his report. The new computer server is here, but it will be installed after the audit is completed. Extrication tools have been ordered with the Rickard Trust Grant dollars. The ambulance crew received 195 call-outs for service in June.
Business Coordinator Julie Schmitz and Accountant Alice Schieffer presented reports as well. Schmitz will be doing a webinar training to keep certifications updated. Staff has been preparing for the audit.
Training Manager Becky Mercer also updated the board. The paramedic class will be finishing their hospital clinicals soon. Morgan Wheeler will be teaching an EMR class from September 3 to October 3 on Tuesday and Thursdays. There will be a 48 hour paramedic refresher in October.
The board approved the Medicare and Medicaid adjustments at $9,308.36, and the invoices to be sent to collections were approved at $16,332.91.
A contractor will be coming in to look at and discuss renovation ideas and what can be done to the district office. The board discussed the copier contract, but the vote was tabled until the next meeting. It was noted the newly formed Nodaway County Emergency Services Board that McQueen is able to be a board member to represent the ambulance district. Board Member Mary Shipps and Treasurer Carrie Sparks also volunteered to be on the board.
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