Horse Show brings crowds to Pickering
The Pickering Horse Show’s Draft Horse Pull, September 15, was an opportunity for families to get out in the crisp fall air.
The Pickering Horse Show’s Draft Horse Pull, September 15, was an opportunity for families to get out in the crisp fall air.
The Maryville Spoofhound Girls Tennis lost to Savannah 0-9 on September 19 in Maryville. Additional photos can be found on Pages 15 of this week’s NNL.
Sign up is underway for the 28th Annual Downtown Trick or Treat which will be held from 5 to 6:30 pm, Monday, October 30. Deadline to sign up is Monday, September 25 and is open to businesses, organizations, churches or individuals in Maryville. A $5 charge to cover posters, flyers and other promotions will once
A ribbon cutting and ceremony celebrating the completion of Maryville’s South Main, Phase I had officials speak, Spectrum choir perform, fun souvenirs given away and a ribbon cutting stretched across the new street. Mayor Tye Parsons wielded the ceremonial scissors while City Manager Greg McDanel and Assistant City Manager Ryan Heiland stretched the red ribbon
Community Blood Center has announced a blood emergency following a summer of low donor turnout. Contributing to the shortage are the recent Labor Day holiday, back-to-school activities and a prolonged 50 percent decrease in youth and first-time donors. The region’s blood supply is well below the optimal five to seven days and while all blood
The Ravenwood Community Breakfast will be from 8 am to noon, Sunday, September 24 at the Ravenwood Community Center. There will be eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, biscuits and gravy and pancakes. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Proceeds will go to the Northeast Nodaway High School cheerleaders.
The Maryville Spoofhound Girls Golf defeated Savannah 145 to 188 on the Watson 9 at Mozingo on September 19.
The Nodaway County Firefighters Association was the recipient of $8,800 from 10 Squared Women, September 13. At the presentation were front: Robin Clark, Basil Owens, Jace Pine, Thomas Shifflett, Kim Campbell, 10 Squared Women Representative Amanda Twaddle, Katie Bragg, Morgan Wheeler; back: Ethan McIntyre, Byron Clark, Herb Snodderley, Cody Hoepker, Brad Renfro, Ed Hanson, Coby
Recognition of the fall sports senior athletes from North Nodaway, Nodaway Valley, Northeast Nodaway and Platte Valley can can be found on Page 16 of this week’s NNL.
The First United Methodist Church will hold a spiritual collage workshop from 9 am to noon, Saturday, September 23 at the church located at 102 North Main Street, Maryville. Participants can join in a group collage or work on their own project. Refreshments will be provided. To RSVP, email Kim Offutt at or Wendy Deering-Poynter at