Month: May

Senior Center donations can earn tax credits

The Nodaway County Senior Center is able to give 50 percent tax credits on donations of $100 or more as announced at the April 19 meeting of the Nodaway County Senior Citizens Senate. Under the Missouri Department of Revenue Food Pantry, Homeless Shelter or Soup Kitchen Tax Credit, any taxpayer who donates cash of at

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MPR approves bid for pool’s caulking repairs

At the April 17 Maryville Parks and Recreation board meeting, Dennis Buckles was approved to do caulking repairs in the lap lanes part of the pool at the MAC for a price of $8,550. This will need to be done soon so that staff can begin painting as opening day is approaching. Buckles did the

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Health Board repeals CAFO ordinance

At the April 19 Nodaway County Health Center Board meeting, the Missouri Supreme Court opinion issued March 21 on the appeal from the circuit court of Cole County concerning county and health board concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) ordinances was discussed. In respect of the Missouri Supreme Court ruling, the board voted to dissolve the

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Mosaic earns national accreditation from Commission on Cancer

The Commission on Cancer (CoC), a quality program of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) has granted three-year accreditation to the cancer program at Mosaic Life Care. To earn voluntary CoC accreditation, Mosaic must meet 34 CoC quality care standards, be evaluated every three years through a survey process and maintain levels of excellence in

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Commissioner’s Minutes April 27, 2023

Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk. Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes

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Geography with Goudge

Kansas City Royals Roster, 2023. This week’s map displays the 2023 Kansas City Royals current active 26-man roster by birthplace. The Royals are made up of players from Latin America, California, the South & Midwest. Six of the players are from Latin America. Fourteen players on this year’s active roster were on last year’s team. 

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Ambulance district reaffirms 100-mile transfers

The Nodaway County Ambulance District Board met on April 12 to discuss district business. Maryville Fire Chief Phil Rickabaugh, also an ambulance board member, reported that he will be retiring from the fire department and rescue squad as of June 1. Director of Operations Bill Florea The sales tax payment for the month was $119,884.07. Kaci

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Governor Parson announces over $6.3M in grants to Missouri law enforcement, fire service, EMS providers

Recently Governor Mike Parson announced that the Missouri Department of Public Safety has approved 428 grants totaling over $6.3 million to law enforcement, fire service, and EMS providers across the state for new equipment, supplies, personnel, and training. Three entities in Nodaway County were among the grantees. Maryville’s Department of Public Safety, Polk Township Rural

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Garden Club to meet

The Maryville Garden Club will meet at 6:30 pm, Tuesday, May 2 at the First Christian Church, Maryville. Shelly Cox, Remmington Nature Center naturalist and educator will speak on insects. The public is welcome.

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WN Food Pantry announces May hours

The West Nodaway Food Pantry will be 4 to 6 pm, Tuesdays, May 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 at the First Christian Church, corner of Third and Ballad Streets, Burlington Jct. The food drop is at 4:30 pm, Wednesdays, May 10, 17 and 24. Numbers are given out and it is first come, first

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