After several months of discussion, the Skidmore City Council, on June 13, decided to have Alderman Dennis Gladman serve as the code enforcer for the city.

There is a list of properties which the city is reviewing for the demolition grant. There is a $500 charge for residential property and these proposed properties are 406 West Elm Street, 408 West Elm Street, 410 West Elm Street, 301 West Cherry Street, 202 South Walnut Street, 205 West Oak Street, 208 North Maple Street, 212 North Maple Street, 601 East Elm Street, 402 East Elm Street, 412 and 414 East Hickory Street, 304 South Ash Street and 513 South Walnut Street. Commercial property owners will owe 20 percent of the demolition cost and these proposed properties for 2024 are 104 North Walnut Street, 101 South Walnut Street and the old tax building on North Walnut Street.

SMI-CO has completed the sewer work on the creek crossing. The city has emailed SMI-CO about the work completed because there are no visible concrete piers to support the pipe as stated in the bid. The city will hold off on payment until clarification is received.

The Emergency Operations Plan Committee was set with Mayor Teresa Carter, Alderman Dennis Gladman, City Operator Mike Reasoner and City Clerk Sadie McHugh as members. Carter asked other board members and the community if they would like to be involved and Alderman Tim Slagle volunteered.

Tablets for meeting packets for council members were again tabled. McHugh can email packets to council members. For anyone else who would like a paper packet it is estimated to cost $12 a packet or McHugh can email a packet the day of the meeting.

The bids for the Lead Line Inventory were opened. The bids are Better by Design: $76,850; Byrne and Jones: $56,184; Environmental Works: $79,129; Goins Enterprise: $93,100; HBK Engineering: $100,687; Perry Plumbing: $98,560; Recon Utility Services: $111,690; Schulte Supply: $68,305.80; Total H20 Solutions: $94,690; and ZLR Trenching: $52,576. The council decided to hold a meeting to review the bids at 6 pm, Thursday, June 20.

Resident Lou White asked if during the lead service line inventory if both sides would be checked or just the customer. Carter answered that both sides would be checked.

Skidmore has received a grant from the Rickard Charitable Trust to purchase a playset for the park. The trust will match any funds raised by the city up to $15,500 by November 1. The council is searching ideas for fundraisers and has a QR code to scan for donations. Contact city hall for more information.

The council proposed having Reasoner do the skim coat for the Newton Hall newly-constructed wall. If he is unable, the council will hire someone to do the work.

The city will contact Evergy to see about lighting the flags at the Hillcrest Cemetery. White said she pays $15 a month for a security light at her house.

The city hall window AC unit is not working. A motion was made to purchase a new AC unit for under $500 if the current AC unit can’t be fixed.

McHugh is working with Valerie Main from Missouri Rural Water Association to prepare the budget for fiscal year 2024-2025.

Discussion was held on altering the Ordinance # Water Rates-2023 to include an additional fee for red notices. These notices are sent to inform residents of water and sewer shut-off due to non-payment. It was decided to strictly enforce the time frame for the first notice and then water will be shut off. White suggested sending the red tag via email.

In Reasoner’s maintenance report, he stated the truck has used 137 gallons of fuel, the mowing equipment 156 gallons, and the tractor 29 gallons. He is unsure of why fuses are blowing at the water tower.

Mike Snook from PeopleServices stated that the BOD levels are lower.

Reasoner asked everyone not to flush baby wipes, shop towels, chapstick and flashlights to the sewer. He has started street and ditch work. Resident Bob Saxton stated he maintains the right of way to the best of his ability and asks that the city notify the citizens when road and ditch work is being done. New tires have been purchased for the city truck at $177.78 per tire with $25 each for mounting and balance.

He noted, the meter box on city hall is not up to code, it is too low, and the building has two meters.

He asked the council if he could pick up loose flowers at Hillcrest Cemetery, so they don’t blow around and get run over by the mower. It was approved.

Fetterer stated that she has looked into lawyers and stated the city of St. Joseph does not have an attorney on retainer. She is waiting on an email list of lawyers who do not require a retainer and will look at Missouri Municipal League for their list of lawyers.

The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be at 6 pm, Thursday July 11 at Newton Hall.