Sue Jackson, with the US Census Bureau, talks to aldermen, Sandy Wright, Rana Killingsworth, new city clerk Meagan Morrow, Mayor Tracy Shewey, retiring city clerk Laura Stark and alderman Tim Slagle about the importance of the census in receiving federal funding in small towns.
The new Skidmore city clerk, Meagan Morrow, attended the August 8 Skidmore City Council meeting.
Morrow was hired at the July 15 meeting after the aldermen interviewed, in closed session, five candidates for the position. During the open part of that meeting, the council discussed putting the new park shelter house in the northeast corner of Wildcat Park, with the length running east and west. A memorial tree for Britt Small will be placed to the north of the last tree planted in the same park.
Ordinance #WoofWoof2014 on animal control was discussed. Suggestions were made to amend the ordinance with the major change being the city license fee for all dogs over six months of age to be $10 each. Dogs must have rabies vaccinations. Besides the shots given by a veterinarian, owner administered rabies shots for dogs will also be included with the license.
Other recommendations include changing the length of time, two days, a dog may be impounded before being taken to the New Nodaway Humane Society animal shelter. The number of allowed dogs and/or cats per property will be raised to six.
The penalty for violating the ordinance may be dropped to $200 among other possible penalties. The name of the ordinance will also be changed. At the next meeting a vote will be taken.
PeopleService Operator Jonathan Eckstein reported on the status of Well 2. The March Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MODNR ) inspection stated Skidmore needed to provide documentation of the transfer of ownership or provide proof the well had been plugged.
At this time, Skidmore will pump water from the well every two years while researching available funding for plugging. Eckstein reported MODNR offers funding for plugging abandoned wells that covers 75 percent of up to $15,000 with a 25 percent cost sharing by the city. Applications will be available in October.
Airin Haselwander of the MODNR well installation section will draft a letter for Skidmore stating the specifications for well plugging so the city can collect bids.
Eckstein collected two estimates. Drill-Well, LLC estimated the cost of pump removal and plugging at $5,625. The quote did not include well house removal, fill dirt or site cleanup. Yoakum Well Drilling estimated the cost of pump removal, plugging, well house removal, fill dirt and site cleanup at $10,000.
The city is also looking at maintaining the well on the every two-year purging cycle in case it is needed in the future. Maintenance Operator Marvin Sumy and Alderman Tim Slagle is looking at electricity to the well house and whether the water pump is still functional.
Skidmore resident, Karen Kepka, addressed the city council about an abandoned street which runs between her property and Tammie Sanders. The two property owners want North Locust Street to be graveled and surveyed, or deeded to Kepka and Sanders. Mayor Tracy Shewey said if the property was deeded, the city would still have to have easement rights. The aldermen approved the writing of an ordinance to deed North Locust between Elm and High streets to Sanders and Kepka. The first reading of the ordinance will be at the September meeting.
Shewey received notification that the city had received a $2,500 Messick Trust grant for the ceiling repairs at Newton Hall. She has not heard from the Taylor Trust grant application, so the matter was tabled until the September meeting.
Bids are being accepted for the old ballpark lights until September 12. Virgil Ebrect’s bid of $20.01 was accepted for the finishing mower. His was the only bid made. In the future, Slagle would like the city to put a reserve on any items offered for bid.
The council voted to pay Richard Hattersohl, Trenton, $1,500 to survey the Skidmore Depot Museum property.
The council tabled the Branson Perry memorial until more information is received from the people involved.
A red maple tree will be selected to be planted for the Britt Small memorial. Small’s son, Marty, will reimburse the city for the cost.
The council approved the shelter house placement and will wait to discuss the financial aspect until information from the Skidmore Community Betterment is received. The project is hoped to be completed with volunteer labor to keep costs down. A concrete pad and electricity is planned.
Alderman Sandy Wright said the SCB was planning to chip ‘n seal the walking trail at the park.
Shewey announced she can get a map from Nodaway County Assessor Rex Wallace which will show right-away footages and alleys throughout the town.
Sumy reported the south well tank has been moved onto city property and will be hooked up.
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