Nodaway County Ambulance District was awarded $45,000 from the Gladys M. Richard Charitable Trust for the purchase of extrication equipment for two local rescue squads in Nodaway County.
Squad 140 serves the communities of Elmo, Clearmont, Burlington Jct., Quitman, Skidmore, Graham and a portion of Wilcox. Squad 140 is based in Burlington Jct., however has responders in all of the above mentioned communities and the areas surrounding them. Squad 142 serves the communities of Ravenwood, and Parnell, and the areas surrounding them. With the funds granted to the district so it purchased two Hurst EDraulic spreaders, a Hurst eDraulic cutter, and a eDraulic two-stage ram.
By upgrading equipment to the newer eDraulic extrication tools, the rescue squads are better equipped to respond to emergencies. The eDraulic tools allow for the responders to be more agile as they work on the scene of emergencies due to not being encumbered by the heavy hydraulic hoses used to power the current tools. eDraulic tools also are quieter during operation due to being battery powered and not needing a gas powered hydraulic unit which improves the ability to communicate as well as increases victim and responder safety. Lastly, the eDraulic tools deploy from the truck to the scene as fast as picking up the tool and walking over as there is not an engine to start or hoses to connect.
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