The North Nodaway R-VI Board of Education met in open and closed session on April 15 to discuss the following school district business.
The board was reorganized after the April 2 election, with returning board members Jerime Bix and Kane Oberhauser being sworn in. Bix is president and Jason Thompson was selected as vice president.
Changes to the school lunch menu costs were approved. The reason for the changes was the food audit review completed for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary education. The review said NN was undercharging in some areas. The board took the following steps to remedy.
• Adult lunch prices as of April 17 went from $3.30 to $3.55.
• Second entree prices as of April 22 are going from $1.10 to $1.50.
• Sides as of April 22 are going from 60¢ to 75¢.
Health plans with Missouri Educators United Health Plan were approved. The plans are HSA 6550 with a monthly premium of $401, HSA 4000 at $472 and PPO 3500 at $576. The school district pays $389 each month per employee.
Six of the seven school buses passed inspection. The seventh bus has transmission problems and wasn’t inspected. It and another bus with transmission problems will be used as trade-ins.
The co-op with West Nodaway was approved for the 2019-20 school year.
The Nodaway Contracting, Maryille, bid for $7,500 for cement work on the high school driveway was accepted.
In closed session, the following were approved for the 2019-20 school year extracurricular duties: Ashley Marriott as special education coordinator; Ashley Profitt as junior high and assistant high school volleyball coach; Catherine Auffert as MS/HS student council co-sponsor and National Honor Society sponsor; Elena Bellamy as academic team and senior class sponsor; Emily Frueh as yearbook, school paper, FBLA and junior class sponsor; Gannon Albrect as MS/HS student council co-sponsor; Jake Shipman as HS boys head basketball coach, baseball coach and athletic director; Kit Meiners as district test coordinator; Leah Koger as fourth and fifth grade math team sponsor; Lindsi Jackson as HS volleyball coach, girls assistant basketball coach and head track coach; Michael Trautz as assistant football coach, boys assistant basketball coach, JH track coach and junior class sponsor; Nina Dewhirst as HS play director; Rebecca Ferris as elementary student council sponsor; Roger Johnson as JH boys basketball coach; Sam Riley as instrumental music, vocal music activities and junior class sponsor; Sami Jackson as HS/JH girls basketball coach; Shelley Combs as HS basketball cheerleader sponsor; Stacey Meyer, Victor West and Tim Conn as senior class sponsors; Tony Christian as head football coach, assistant baseball coach and weightlifting sponsor; Troy Nally as FFA and junior class sponsor; Bill Blay as cross country coach; Alan Calfee as JH track and football coach; Kyle Wallinga as JH football coach; Bailey Schmidt as HS football cheer coach; and Melissa Cook as assistant football cheer coach.
Heather Townsend, Sami Jackson and Meiners were approved for an extended contract.
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