The Maryville South Main Improvement Phase One project has been reported by City Manager Greg McDanel to the city council as being 75 percent complete.
Contractor VF Anderson Builder, Harrisonville, continues to install concrete curb and driveways along the west side of South Main.
RS Electric, St. Joseph, is working to cutover individual electric services from overhead to underground. Each cutover requires up to a four hour power outage which has been coordinated directly with each business. Once complete, all properties will be served by underground lines and overhead poles will be removed.
Streetlights are now being installed to provide improved visibility and safety for traffic and pedestrian walking on the west side of the street trail.
Phase one remains on schedule for completion in spring 2023, according to McDanel.
“New LED streetlights are being installed along the project’s south half. The decorative lights provide enhanced streetlighting for the corridor and include a pedestrian focused light on the backside that will illuminate the eight foot wide pedestrian/bicycle trail,” McDanel said.
Phase Two, which is from Route V south to the 71 Bypass traffic light, will begin construction in 2023, and will continue improvements south with an expanded three-lane roadway, concrete curb and gutter and realigned and reduced access points.
It will also include an enclosed storm sewer system, a widened intersection at Horsepower Drive, near Kawasaki, underground power lines and telecommunications, LED street lighting, landscaping and wayfinding signage. The city will receive $5,925,780 in funding through a federal USDOT Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant. The city has submitted a draft of the RAISE grant proposal to MoDOT for review, and once completed it will presented to the city council for consideration and approval.
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