The Hopkins City Council approved a $98,593.10 bid with Mid-America Road Builders, Platte City, during its May 6 meeting for street work this summer.
The company will single and double-chip seal the streets along with pulling shoulders, asphalt patching potholes, power broom and scarifying as the street requires.
The streets to be repaired are: Fifth Street from Barnard Street to Highway 148, East Craig Street from Fifth to Ninth Street and north to McFarland Street, North Second Street from Barnard to East Craig, First Street from Barnard to Phelps Street, East Phelps from North Second to North Third Street, West Warren from Highway 148 to Wolfer Street, East Roseberry from Highway 148 to North First, Thompson from highway to Fifth, South Fifth from McPherson south to East Ada Street, South Second from McPherson to Thompson, Moorehouse from South Second to Katy Road, and Eighth Street from Barnard to Roseberry.
Three resident complaints have been received on 1001 East McPherson in connection with nuisances on the property. City Clerk Dee O’Riley has sent the resident a copy of the ordinance. The council voted to send a letter giving the resident seven days to correct the matters.
A letter will also be sent on a safety issue of a truck parked partially in a yard and on the street, close to the high school at 508 East Barnard.
O’Riley had sent letters to three other residents about vehicles parked being safety issues. All three had moved the vehicles in question.
The property owner at 602 East McPherson has paid the sewer and water debts. The lien has been removed from the property.
After the closed session on personnel issues, the council came back into open session to accept Edward Levi Hensley’s verbal resignation effective immediately.
A letter was sent to the owner of 101 North Third Street concerning the building falling in.
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