The Hopkins City Council met April 6 in the community building portion instead of city hall.
Surfaces were wiped down and social distancing was practiced, Mayor Kelly Morrison said about meeting in the larger area. The minutes and bills to be paid were approved.
The water plant door replacement bid was awarded to Maryville Glass and Lock at $1,485. Two bids had been received with Maryville Glass and Lock being the lower of the two. Discussion was held on a pickup purchase but no motions were made.
On the 2020 street project, maps were handed out to the aldermen for their review and to mark problem areas.
A request for a resident to start a home business was tabled until more information could be received. The township’s request to clear the west side of 11th Street from Barnard to East McFarland was put on hold until Alderman Jess Everhart could contact the township for more information. No decision was made on replacing three water hydrants.
No change in policy was made at this time about water and sewer shut-offs and late fees.
A resident request to waive a sewer fee because of a water leak was tabled until next month.
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