Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 12/23/2021. The motion passed.
Public comment: none.
Accounts payable: checks #79765-79775.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: quotes for a new server.
Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, reviewed work the crew has been doing.
Crystal Ward, board president and Maggie Rockwood, board member of New Nodaway County Humane Center board members presented information on numbers and asked to be considered for the county FY2022 budget. Marilyn Jenkins reviewed 2021 revenue and expense reports with the commission.
Tammy Carter, human resources director, reviewed changes made to the employee handbook. Changes include: page 1, updated date; page 2, signature page updated; page 9, addition of a paragraph stating that employees may opt to use accrued vacation time when sick leave credits are exhausted as well as changing the paragraph regarding transfer of sick leave credits to qualify that there is no restricted amount; page 19, change to jailors uniform allowance; page 26, updated 2022 salary schedule information as well as the updated salary schedule on the following page; a copy of the 2022 holiday schedule; addition of the August 17, 2021 American Recover Plan Act (ARPA) pay information. The commission approved the proposed changes for the updated 2022 Employee Handbook.
On December 23rd, the commission made a motion to keep the schedule as it is, but change the date Columbus Day is observed on to the Friday after Thanksgiving. The schedule was updated to reflect this change and stamped approved.
The commission discussed the current reimbursable mileage rate of 33¢ per mile. Burns made a motion to increase the mileage rate to 45¢ per mile effective January 1, 2022. The motion passed.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
A call was put in to Brett Hurst, Hurst Law Group regarding documents sent by Brian Madden of Wagstaff and Cartmell. The commission reviewed the documents. Burns made a motion to adopt Resolution #12282021 to enter an agreement releasing its claims to some participants in the opioid distribution chain in order to access opioid litigation settlement funds and become eligible for certain state grants. The motion passed.
Patton submitted the December expense and revenue budget reports for review.
Andy Abbott, MTE, stopped in to speak with the commission regarding the county’s server and the quotes MTE had provided. An email was sent to the county attorney with questions.
Walk made a motion to adjourn until 12/30/2021.
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