Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Bob Stiens, Chris Burns, associate commissioners; Walker and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 4/23/2020. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve closed session commission minutes dated 4/23/2020. The motion passed.

The following were approved: requisitions, county clerk to Elkins-Swyers for equipment.

The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: emails regarding COVID-19 from FEMA, Nodaway County Health and emergency manager; financial statement for Jackson Township and Nodaway Township.

Patton submitted the April expense and revenue budget reports for review.

Ed Walker, road and bridge supervisor, discussed the progress of various county projects as well as a few roads and tubes that need to be looked at.

The commission discussed another open facility support technician position with Human Resources Director Tammy Carter. Interviews had been completed last week. The position was offered and accepted by Emma Baldwin as a temporary full-time position.

The commission took a call from Jerri Dearmont and Alice Schieffer from NWMO Regional Council of Governments regarding the rock invoices that are pending for the CDBG Grant. The county will use these as a part of their in-kind match. Dearmont requested pictures of Bridge #672 which is completed. There is grant money left that can be used for another bridge, but it must be in Jackson Township. The commission plans to measure one of the other bridges they are considering.

A call was taken from Kay Wilson, Nodaway News Leader, regarding the county’s social distancing Ordinance #2020-01. The commission does not intend to extend this ordinance at this time.

Patton reported that her office had received 2020 HAVA Coraonavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Securities (CARES) Act Grant funds for assistance on elections in the amount of $40,449.44.

The commission spoke with John Schenkel, Polk Township trustee, regarding a Polk Township resident needing grass seed on a ditch where a culvert was replaced. Sheriff Randy Strong discussed gravel on Road #471.

At 10:30, the commission left for an inspection of Road #591 in Polk Township, Roads #758 and #759 in White Cloud Township and Road #894 in Hughes Township, part of the White Cloud Wind project.

Burns made a motion to commission adjourn for lunch. The motion passed.

The commission put in a call to Casey McGill, Tenaska – Clear Creek Wind project, regarding the used tube stockpile and to discuss roads that are being worked on and getting ready to turn back over to the county. A tour of these roads will occur on Thursday, April 30. A call was also put in to Tim Walton with Mortenson regarding the used tubes.

A resident called in requesting a list of miles of road in each township.

The commission discussed the courthouse yard clean-up normally completed in the spring and a building issue that will need to be looked into further.

At 1:20 pm, the commission left for an inspection of a Road #781 in Hughes Township and Roads #373, #374, #293 and #471 all in Polk Township.

Stiens made a motion to commission adjourn until 4/30/2020.