Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes 10/24/2024. The motion passed.

Approved: Inventory transfer/disposal forms; invoice to IHP Industrial, Inc. for boiler inspection.

Accounts payable: #85223

Requisitions: Sheriff to 911 Custom for equipment; juvenile justice preservation to circuit court for raise the age payment; treasurer to Rush Printing Company for office supplies.

The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Fall 2024 investor newsletter from Nodaway County Economic Development (NCED); legal documents presented by Sheriff Randy Strong for payment; training certificate for Steve Whittington, deputy coroner; Northwest Missouri Mental Health Board 2024 Report.

Reviewed email from Greg McDanel, City Manager for City of Maryville, regarding Nodaway County Emergency Services Board (NCESB) status updates on NCESB including a proposed ordinance by the City of Maryville City Council and software and mapping upgrades for Next Generation 9-1-1 services.

Reviewed budget quotes provided by Tim Casady, Casady Contracting, LLC for window cleaning at the administration center. Smoke alarm testing will be conducted at 3:30 pm, Wednesday, October 30 in the administration center.

Reviewed and signed a change order to Electronic Contracting Company (ECC) presented by Major Scott Wedlock for Jail Maintenance & Improvement Grant. Signed change order was emailed to ECC and Cheyenne Murphy at NWMO Regional Council of Government. Wedlock gave additional updates on the status of work being done for the project. Walk made a call to Dave Schumann, with IHP Industrial, Inc. to confirm the meeting date on Thursday, October 31.

Lindsey Chaffin, Bryan Maddux, Zach Olivas and Jake McBee, joined via zoom, Great River Engineering, met with the commissioners, Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, and Vance Purdune, North Central Bridge, joined via zoom, to conduct the pre-construction meeting for BRO-R074(63.) Also present: Lynn Anderson, MoDOT.

Conducted MoDOT on-call interviews for engineers for future BRO bridges with Chaffin.

Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.

County cell phones have arrived. Waiting on Verizon for next steps.

The commission, along with Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, reviewed current projects earmarked for payment of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Listing will be updated and funds will be restructured if needed. Jenkins will make the changes and review with the commission again on Thursday, October 31.

Rex Wallace, assessor, gave updates on the assessor’s department and appraiser position.

Reviewed the scope and fee information Greg McDanel, Maryville city manager, had shared from Kimley-Horn Associates concerning Village O-Ashwood Circle Project. A call was put in to John Schenkel, Polk Township trustee, regarding the cost of the feasibility study. Schenkel will present at the next township board meeting to discuss and will follow up with the commission.

Walk made a motion to adjourn until 10/31/2024.