Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 12/7/23. The motion passed.
Approved: invoices to Rogers Repair, LLC and Fox Alley Apartments.
Checks: #83519-83567.
Requisitions: Road and bridge to Murphy Tractor & Equipment, Co., Inc. for equipment maintenance and repair; sheriff to Fastenal for supplies; to Kizer Collision, LLC vehicle maintenance and repair; collector to MTE for office supplies; prosecuting attorney to MTE for equipment.
The commission reviewed the following information: MEI Elevator Maintenance receipt, sales/use/road and bridge special sales tax reports
Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, gave updates on crew activity. The crew is currently working on tube projects. Engle also gave an update on the dump truck auction on Purple Wave.
Reviewed project summary and signed for progress Invoice No. 7 on Bridge #0228013 over Honey Creek in Independence Township.
Reviewed credit letter from Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) Bridge #07270051 for future matching federal funds totaling $94,7456.75.
Tim Deen, director, stopped in to make a formal request for The Ministry Center in the amount of $5,000. The Extension Council board and staff presented a budget request in the amount of $33,000. Those present included Chris Wallace, Randa Doty, Debbie Bennett, Nick Freeman, Gwen Funk and Shanda Keirsey. Lynette Harbin with Big Brothers Big Sisters gave a presentation and requested $3,000. Dr. Vincent Shelby stopped in to discuss a line item in his budget for a vehicle. Dannen Merrill, representing both Missouri Boys State and Missouri Girls State, made a request for $1,000 on behalf of each group.
Calls were put in to both Casey Chastain, Higginbotham Insurance and Brenda Gibson, MOPERM regarding the county property and liability insurance. The county confirmed with MOPERM that Higginbotham is the agent of record for 2024. A review of updated information as provided by Higginbotham and MOPERM. Andy Abbott, MTE, was asked to come in to discuss the cyber-security policy as presented.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Wallace McGinness, Monroe Township Trustee, stopped in to discuss the feasibility of a cemetery tax.
Sheriff’s Department’s Major Scott Wedlock and Captain Austin Hann visited with the commission on programs and activities in the department.
Burns made a motion to adjourn until 12/14/2023. The motion passed.
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