Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioner and Angie Cordell, deputy clerk.
Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 4/4/24. The motion passed.
Approved: Snyder & Associates invoices bridge #0741000 and #0295003; liquor license for Finish Line; 911 consolidation fees for February/March 2024; Thomas’ Lawn Care LLC invoice; Maryville Glass & Lock invoice.
Accounts Payable: WEX credit card, Checks #84049-84164.
Requisitions: Road and bridge to Fastenal for supplies.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: sheriff inmate report March 2024, email MO State Historic Preservation, Mitch Nelson, Precision Lock & Key revised estimate, NWMO Regional Council of Government – Neighborhood Assistance Program, CDBG funding.
Gary Coenen, Coenen Electric brought the commission a contract of scope of work for jail maintenance and improvement grant. Commission reviewed and signed contract.
Bridget Kenny, Teri Harr, Jamie Baker, presented information on the NW Communities Care program and requested funding to help with cost. Also present: Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor and Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer.
Spoke with a resident from Polk Township regarding Road #615, White Cloud Township and a resident spoke with the commission with road concerns and updates Road #1000 Washington Township.
Sheriff Department Captain Austin Hann met with the commission on vehicle repair.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
The commission, along with Engle, inspected Road #615 in Polk Township and Road #442 in Jackson Township.
Larry Jacobson, Snyder & Associates, reviewed costs and commission signed estimates for BROs.
Walk made a motion to adjourn until 4/11/20
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