The regular Clearmont City Council meeting on April 19 was rescheduled to April 26 due to several in attendance responding to a fire.
During the rescheduled meeting, Byron Clark was sworn in for another two-year term as mayor while Peggy Younger and Herb Snodderley were sworn in for two-year terms as city aldermen.
Mowing bids were reviewed. The council accepted the bid from Mill Creek Mowing for $115 which includes mowing the city park, water station and maintenance building.
The council approved the March minutes and the monthly bills.
Correspondence was received from United Electric regarding its annual membership meeting May 19.
The yearly workers comp audit is to be completed by May 31.
The water/sewer report noted several maintenance projects need to be completed including: changing out a defective residential meter; installation of pivot tires at the lagoon; unplugging a tube on Third and Sycamore; and scheduling a time for digging out the ditches on South Pine.
The council discussed the best location to place the No Parking On This Side signs which will be installed soon.
The next regular meeting will be May 17.
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