After three readings in three meetings, Clearmont City Council passed a new law April 21 to only allow residents to file for a city position if all the monies owed to the city are paid in full.

Councilman Herb Snodderley brought the ordinance to the council’s attention early this year. The council read and approved the ordinance at the February and March meetings prior to April 21. While the new law will not affect this year’s city election on June 2, it will be in effect for future elections.

The council also approved the mowing bid from Derek Snodderley at $130 per time. He will also mow the housing complex for $40.

Other items of business the council addressed in the brief meeting follows.

• Among the bills to be paid was a $40 invoice from the New Nodaway Humane Society for picking up dogs two times which were claimed by Brian Hunt. Council agreed to send a bill to Hunt for the costs incurred by the city. The council directed City Clerk Linda Babcock to remind the humane society that only city officials have the authority to direct them to pick up loose dogs.

• Correspondence included a letter from Evergy speaking to franchise fee changes and Debbie Engle, a property owner requesting the fence in the alley adjacent to her property be removed.

• Reports from the water, sewer and street maintenance departments noted the pumps from Alliance will be installed when the People Service employee returns from vacation, tires are ordered for the pivot and street oiling should begin after the pandemic is over due to social distancing of the work force.