To close or clear an alley?

This question was posed to the Clearmont City Council August 20 meeting when Donovan Harris, the new owner of the Beulah West property at 315 South Pine, requested a decision. Harris, accompanied by his father, Steve, reported there are KCP&L utility poles, a fence and a shed in the middle of the alley behind his home.

Donovan requested a council signed paper that the alley is closed. It was determined the alley has never been closed officially. The council inquired about the width of the alley, either 12 or 16 feet. The council decided to check with Midland Surveying to continue the property line from a recent survey.

Clearmont residents Betty and Elmer Devine came to the council requesting a reprieve on a water leak from earlier this summer. The leak was repaired in July. The council agreed to a onetime adjustment lowering the bill to the city’s cost of the water. That expense plus the average of the Devine’s sewer bills brought the bill to $520.24. The Devines were appreciative and wrote a check.

Water, sewer and street maintenance reports told of mowing at the lagoon, the pivot working and the needed repairs on the tractor which will be needed to pull the oiler for street work.

After Clerk Linda Babcock read the proposed ordinance concerning the unlawful use of a jake brake on Highway 71, the council approved the ordinance. Councilwoman Nell Cowden reported MoDOT’s rules on posting the sign, which were quite complex.

An agreement with PeopleServices will need to be renewed soon. A contract should be delivered to a member of the council or Babcock.

After a public hearing, the council approved the tax levy to be the maximum levy of $1.