Maryville City Manager Greg McDanel provided some more information on the progress of the South Main Corridor Improvement Project Phase I and II.
Phase I. The subcontractor Herzog Contracting Corp, St. Joseph, completed asphalt mill and overlay of South Main on July 14. The asphalt is a structural overlay, and is considered ideal for the existing subgrade. The new storm drainage system with increased capacity will divert stormwater from the road and extend the pavement life. Roadway striping is set to begin soon as weather permits. All three traffic signals are now active, including the new signal at Walmart. The city urges caution through this intersection as drivers become accustomed to the new patterns of traffic, and reminds citizens that the area is an active construction zone with a 25 mph speed limit. Over the next few months, traffic signals will be optimized for efficiency and interconnectivity. Landscape and final restoration activities may be delayed for several weeks to avoid the heat. The city is working with VF Anderson Builders, Harrisonville, on these efforts. Phase I is approximately 90 percent complete.
Phase II. On April 10, the city approved an ordinance to execute the RAISE Grant Agreement with USDOT. The grant agreement provides the project with $5.9 million in RAISE grant funding. A notice to contractors was issued on July 14, with construction bids being accepted until 2 pm on August 17. The project continues improvements of Phase I south to the Highway 71 Bypass.
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