This Week's News

County’s senior tax aids center each year

With the slash of $100,000 in state and federal funding, the Nodaway County Senior Center is scrambling for funds to keep its senior meals, both at the center and those that are home delivered, available for Nodaway County citizens. The center receives funding from the Nodaway County Senior Tax, a 5¢ levy per $100 assessed

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EEZ approves second wind farm to receive tax break

The Nodaway County Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) committee and the Northwest Nodaway EEZ approved the tax adjustment application from Tenaska Clear Creek Wind, LLC, Omaha, NE, during a meeting on August 31. Tenaska plans to construct a wind farm project that sits in both EEZ zones, 70 percent will be in the Nodaway County EEZ

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Unlabeled chemicals found in food establishments

Nodaway County Health Department Environmental Health Specialist Larry Wickersham found unlabeled chemicals during routine inspections of various food establishments throughout the month of August. Gray’s Truck Stop Restaurant, 22979 US Highway 71, medium priority Routine inspection August 2. Critical: None Observed. Non-critical: Observed bag of flour stored on floor of walk-in freezer, case of beef

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Hoepkers chosen as State Fair Farm Family for Nodaway County

Frank and Heather Hoepker and family, Maryville, were among the families honored during the 59th annual Missouri Farm Family Day, August 14 at the Missouri State Fair. The Hoepker family was selected as the Nodaway County Missouri Farm Family by the Nodaway County Extension Council and local Farm Bureau. Frank, Heather and two of their

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Nodaway County Commissioners unable to raise tax

The Nodaway County Commissioners were unable to raise their property tax for the county administration building operations, according to the state auditor’s office. When the commission took out the original loan for the building in 2008, they could set the tax at any rate up to 16¢ per $100 of assessed valuation. They originally set

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Rep. Allen Andrews works to secure additional funding for Missouri seniors

State Rep. Allen Andrews said September 1 that he is working diligently to find additional revenue sources for programs that provide vital services to Missouri’s senior population. Andrews said a piece of legislation (HCB 3) approved by the General Assembly, but vetoed by the governor, has caused assistance to be cut for more than 8,000

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Pickering sets tax levy rate

The Pickering City Council met on August 29 in a combination tax levy hearing and September meeting because the normal council meeting would have fallen on Labor Day, Monday, September 4. The tax levy rate was set at $1 per $100 of assessed valuation for the street fund and 85.4¢ per $100 for the general

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Legislators express thoughts on senior meals

By Kathryn Rice “From my perspective, I am open to looking at any viable opportunities that will help take care of our senior citizens,” State Representative Allen Andrews said about changes facing the Nodaway County Senior Center. The Northwest Area Agency on Aging (AAA) in Albany will no longer allocate monies to the senior center for

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Skidmore approves budget, tax levy

The Skidmore City Council approved the city budget, held the tax levy hearing and approved the tax rate for 2017 at its August 23 meeting. The tax rates are $1 per $100 assessed valuation for the general fund and $1 per $100 assessed valuation for the road and street fund. Estimated revenue from each is

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Nodaway County Senior Center to become privatized

Senior citizen centers across the state are having to get creative to fund their programs due to a decrease in federal and state allocated funds for the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) combined with an increase in the number of clients using services. Across the state, senior citizen centers, and in particular the Northwest Missouri AAA,

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