
Northwest to celebrate launch of professional schools with ribbon cutting

Northwest Missouri State University will commemorate the opening of five professional schools this fall with a ribbon cutting ceremony and open houses on Thursday, September 15. The program begins at 3:30 pm at the Memorial Bell Tower with remarks by Northwest President Dr. John Jasinski, Provost Dr. Timothy Mottet and Board of Regent Chair Dr.

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Northwest Technical School’s restored truck makes magazine cover

Northwest Technical School collision repair students restored a 1966 F100 Ford truck that was showcased on the cover of LMC 1957-1972 Ford Parts summer/fall catalog. The Ford truck is owned by Wayne Johnson, motor-coach driver for NASCAR racer Carl Edwards. Johnson heard about the tech school’s program through friends and brought his truck, which was

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Local author pens first book

Nodaway News Leader columnist, Beverly Clinkingbeard, has published her first book, “Chore Boy,” under the childhood and pen name Jeannie Edwards. “Chore Boy” is about a 10-year-old in the 1930s who works on a neighboring farm. Although it is a fictional story, Clinkingbeard based it on stories from farmers who worked as chore boys. The

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MPR partners with Maryville Soccer Association

The Maryville Park and Recreation board approved a partnership with the Maryville Soccer Association during its regular meeting on September 1. MSA representatives Joe Suchan and Chris Riley discussed the partnership prior to board approval. Riley said the organization was formed in June from several existing organizations and adopted bylaws, elected a board of directors

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Nodaway News Leader gains two employees

The Nodaway News Leader had two new faces join the team this summer. Brent Johnson, Stanberry, joined the Nodaway News Leader as the advertising designer in August. Johnson, son of Terri and Dr. Bruce Johnson, grew up in Stanberry with two younger brothers, Taylor and Trevor.  Johnson worked on his high school newspaper and graduated

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ALA treats local sailor home on leave

Brandon Swinford, aviation bosun mate handler third class on the USS John C. Stennis, arrived in Burlington Jct. to visit his mother, Melissa White, after completing his second deployment. In anticipation of Swinford’s visit, the BJ American Legion Auxiliary planned a welcome home luncheon on August 20. Cathy Mather and Teresa Hickok, auxiliary national security

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Actor, author to lead workshops, perform Molière monologues

Actor and author Tim Mooney will visit Northwest Missouri State University, Friday, September 9 and Saturday, September 10 for a pair of workshops and an evening performance described as “a wild romp through Moliere’s most hilarious monologues.” The performance is free and open to the public. The workshops are open to Northwest students and faculty.

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Hunter Hayes to headline SAC fall concert

Hunter Hayes, a five-time Grammy nominated singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, will headline Northwest Missouri State University’s fall concert, the university’s Student Activities Council (SAC) announced this week during its back-to-school fireworks display. Songwriter Ryan Lafferty will join Hunter Hayes for the concert at 8 pm, Saturday, October 8, at Bearcat Arena. Doors open at 7

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