Burlington Jct. City Council members heard from Jon Shellhorn, Lamp Rynearson, Kansas City, who gave an update on the lagoon project during the May 10 meeting.
Shellhorn presented three options on chlorine treatment for the lagoon. Option one was basic tablet chlorination that would cost less than $5,000 but maintenance would have to be done on a daily basis. Option two was a liquid chlorine feed that would cost $100,000. This option has a panel that drops chlorine in and would require a fiberglass building. Option three is advanced tablet chlorination that would cost $130,000. This option would automatically disburse chlorine tablets and would require a fiberglass building. No action was taken.
The council also heard from several other visitors.
John Campbell with the Hoof n Horn Saddle Club discussed the electricity bill. Kelli Hagey with the Kiwanis Club agreed to pay half of the light bill and said they would do that annually. Campbell said the Saddle Club is going to make sure everything is unplugged when it is not in use, and they are trying to find a better heating and cooling system that might help bring the bill down. The city will continue to mow the lawn.
Hagey, along with Ryan Fast and Scott Linville with the Kiwanis Club, discussed the proposed semi truck ordinance. They wanted to make sure they could still use the streets they use for the tractor pull. The council said they could and asked that they try to use South Clarinda Street. They also stated they are putting in new lighting at the arena area.
In other business, the council approved the following: the April minutes; to switch from Citizen’s Bank and Trust to Nodaway Valley Bank and to remove former mayor Dean Kelly and Matt Rohlmeier from the bank accounts and add new mayor, Christopher Cronk and Darby Grace; a bid from Byron Clark Construction for the cleanup at the Sherry Bright property for $4,800.
City Clerk Melissa Cook gave the financial report, noting the savings bond wasn’t met for the month and the city was down because of a bond payment. Also, there was an issue with the new water billing system. She said the software company is working on it, and they will try it again in two months.
Technician Skyeler Rohlmeier gave the foreman’s report. He stated the water plant is running well and both water and lagoon samples came back good. The annual water report has been posted on the city website and Facebook page as well as at city hall, Kiss My Grits Kafe and the post office.
City Foreman Scott Conn said the price from Mid-American Street Builders for the streets has gone up since last year’s quote. He also said they will start flushing hydrants next week. He asked for approval to purchase a Cold Shot Pipe Freeze Kit to use when working on water lines for $832. The council approved.
Cook said the city’s lawyer responded about the semi-truck parking ordinance. The changes were discussed, and it was tabled until next month.
The council approved to enter closed session for the purpose of personnel. They re-entered open session and approved to hire Michael Cook and Kayden Conn for summer help.
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