The 10th Annual Cattlemen’s Round-up, hosted by the Nodaway County Cattlemen’s Association (NCCA), will be Saturday, February 4 at the Northwest Ag Learning Center, Maryville.
The event will begin with a social at 5:30 and a steak dinner will follow at 6:30 pm. The program will include the 2023 scholarship presentation, a live and silent auction and new to this year’s agenda will be a fun trivia night as the climax of the annual gathering.
The NCCA will be celebrating the activities the cattlemen have had in 2022 including the following list.
• Donated 3,500 patties, 2,100 hotdogs to high school concession stands across the county.
• Donated 1,000 all beef hot dogs to the Maryville downtown trick or treat night.
• Presented seven $1,000 scholarships with one to each school with a chance to renew it the next year.
• Cooked at around 20 different corporate/private events throughout the county.
• Donated and cooked meat for the Heart of America Tractor Cruise.
• Donated $5,000 worth of beef to The Ministry Center.
• Donated $3,500 to local FFA chapters for projects.
• Hosted numerous events throughout the community including a golf tournament,Cattlemen Cook-off and at Backyard Wine and Vine.
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