The Nodaway County Ambulance Board met on August 16 to discuss district business.
The Tri-C Rescue Squad has a new member, Danae Holtman. The Maryville Rescue Squad has had 29 calls that they have assisted with since last meeting. The purchase of rescue training equipment has been made and received. On July 27, Maryville Fire responded to a structure fire and the ambulance district was on hand with towels and cool drinks for the fire crew.
Director of Operations Bill Florea gave his report. He brought to the board that the agency would like to make it so the employees in the paramedic class would be able to use their CEU stipend for the year to put it towards the cost if they choose. The board discussed and agreed that this would be a great benefit to employees.
Julie Schmitz and Alice Schieffer presented the business coordinator and accounting report. The old trips’ collections are getting paid off slowly. The auditor was here in the month of August and will be at the September meeting to go over the audit. The Medicare revalidation is ready to be uploaded and submitted.
Training Manager Becky Mercer shared her report. There was an EMR refresher on August 12, and on August 26 there will be the EVOC driving refresher taught by John Maxwell at 8 am. September 5 is the first day of the paramedic class and the upcoming CPR quarterly class will be on September 14.
Paramedic Morgan Wheeler presented the request to be able to do the Breast Cancer Awareness shirts again. The employees will be able to wear them during the month of October.
Medicare and Medicaid adjustments were approved at $7,883,98, while invoices sent for collections were approved at $13,247.96.
The district is looking at applying for funds from grant options to purchase new, updated extrication tools for the rescue squads. There was also discussion of training on rescuing patients from electrical vehicles.
The board went into closed session for personnel, and out of closed session the evaluation of Rick Maudlin and Robert Phillips were reviewed and discussed.
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