The South Nodaway R-IV Board of Education met in open and closed sessions to handle the following school district business:
After the closed session, the board moved into its second open session of the meeting to approve contracts for the non-tenured teachers, Zach Dyer, Seth Jenkins, Megan Thacker and Irene Alexander. Also, a contract was extended to non-tenure teacher Heather Heerlein. It was approved with a 4-0-1 vote, with Debbie Bennett abstaining. All tenured teachers were rehired.
In the first open session, insurance plans from MUHEP were approved, with the board maintaining the $450 school investment. Plans offered are two HSA plans, 6550 and 4000, and one PPO plan, with a $3,500 deductible. The PPO is $579 a month.
The district has moved from Level 5, the most expensive, to Level 4, which has helped to offset some of the 8.5 percent rate increase. The most popular plan will cost an additional $14 per month.
The school counselor position contract has been extended from 9.5 to 10 months. This step was taken because of the increasing duties of the counselor.
A contract with ACES for $3,260 was approved for a social worker to be at SN one day a month during the 2018-19 school year. This person will assist with students, programming and support Counselor Nick Wray with ideas and resources, Superintendent Johnnie Silkett said.
The school will join Missouri Assessment Partnership (MoAP), a consortium of school districts. MoAP, which is still in the planning stages, plans to provide student skills assessments in real time to evaluate where the student is pre, mid and post testing. Cost to belong is $100.
The next board meeting will be at 7 pm, Monday, April 16.
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