The Nodaway-Holt V-II School Board approved a salary increase during its regular meeting on March 21.
It was approved to allow teachers to move up on the step salary scale as well as increase the school’s contribution to insurance by $20. This allows the board to continue to provide two insurance floor plans at no cost to employees.
The board approved the gifted program evaluation.
The 2018-19 school calendar was adjusted. The April 3 in-service day was moved to May 21, making April 3 a regular school day for students.
Superintendent Jeff Blackford reported on state legislation bills he was watching including the prevailing wage bill.
Blackford suggested shortening the lunch sessions next year from 25 minutes to 20 minutes, stating there was too much idle time for students.
The board approved the addition of the LAUNCH online class program for next year. The program offers more class choices and more face-time with professors. The professors are required to hold office hours and be available for the students.
It was approved to join the Missouri Assessment Partnership (MoAP). The Missouri Association of School Administrators initiated a task force to research ways to create more reliable state testing for students. Several school districts have come together to create MoAP, creating a network to share data. New testing materials are expected to be completed by 2019. If successful, it would replace the traditional MAP testing students currently use.
As a founding member, the school agreed to pay a one-time fee of 25¢ per student, with a minimum of $100. They also agreed to pay $2 per student for the upcoming school year, with a $15,000 cap on large school districts.
The school board heard a presentation by High School Principal Shawn Emerson on the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA). The program is an additional assessment tool that is not connected to the state testing. It tests students at the beginning of the year, in the middle and at the end on reading, language arts, math and science.
The test results come back quickly, making it easier for teachers to gauge where their students are, how they are doing with their instruction techniques and what the students are doing well with or struggling with. The cost is $12.50 per student, $1,000 for online training and $3,500 for an on-site workshop. No action was taken at this time.
Elementary Principal Rita Carroll reported that attendance is at 93.48 percent and enrollment is at 100 students. The elementary has recently completed lockdown and tornado drills.
Emerson reported that attendance is at 95.2 percent and that enrollment is 104. The booster club donated $1,500 to be used for track updates. Staff has been adding chat and installing runways and sand for the long jump and triple jump pits.
A retirement reception will be held for Carroll and Stacey Calfee from 3 to 5 pm, Wednesday, April 18.
The regional Missouri School Board meeting will be April 24 in St. Joseph.
A resignation letter was accepted for Keyawna Conley.
The following individuals were approved for hire following discussion held in closed session: Kenneth Hamilton, middle school math teacher, TAG program and ACT prep teacher; Cody Hasecamp, high school math teacher; and Baylee Lewis, elementary teacher. All non-tenured teacher contracts were also approved.
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