At the July 11 SB40 Board meeting, it was decided the next quarterly meeting will be held at NOCOMO Industries, 319 South Newton, Maryville with the St. Gregory Church’s meeting room as a backup location.

One item of business was tabled until the 6 pm, Tuesday, October 10 meeting.

At this meeting, the SB40 Board will tour the NOCOMO facility. NOCOMO receives 80 percent of the SB40 county tax monies which has been earmarked for certified employees wages.

NOCOMO Manager Jason Auffert reported the sheltered workshop is down to 19 certified employees. He is looking to bring in new employees.

The workshop is busy now. Kawasaki has stepped up orders, however, Auffert is looking for other jobs for the sheltered workshop to complete. NOCOMO is losing the Deluxe jobs with the manufacturer closing the Maryville plant in August. He said the job of tearing paper from the roll cores that some of the certified employees do will be kept as the workshop has back-stocked presently.

There are containers on the northwest side of the workshop where aluminum, cardboard and paper may be donated and dropped off at any time. NOCOMO is utilizing one source of plastic from Kawasaki for recycling.

Recycled items are not a big money maker, Auffert said. He is working to get the best prices possible. It is important for the workshop to break even financially to keep jobs.