The Pickering Lions Club celebrated its 60th anniversary, November 5 with a pulled pork dinner arranged by Angee Clements.
The Pickering Lions were chartered November 29, 1962, with 39 members and was sponsored by the Hopkins Lions Club. The club has been active with Pickering activities. When the Pickering Horse Show committee was on the verge of folding, the Lions stepped in to lead and continue the now 85th annual event. The club has added a pony pull event.
The Pickering Horse Show was called “The Biggest Little Horse Show in the World” when horses came from all over the United States by train to participate. Nowadays, the show pulls draft horse teams throughout the Midwest.
The club helped to raise money for the Pickering Community Building and still supports the structure with fundraisers.
Recent endeavors by the club include: offering scholarships for North Nodaway graduates. The club purchased a water heater for a family in need. The Lions have purchased eyeglasses for a couple of school students. It also helps support a local family with extra food. The club donated $1,000 to support the LCIF Hunger Grant for a new freezer at the Nodaway County Senior Center, Maryville.
Pickering Lions Club has pledged to support and cosponsor the Leo Club which is being started at North Nodaway High School.
Current officers are Darren Clements, president; Michael Clements, first vice president; Jerry Roush, second vice president; Bob Colville, treasurer; Gary Vogel, secretary; Donna Smith, membership chairperson; and Martin Farnan, club administrator, assistant treasurer and secretary.
The club meets at 6:30 pm, the second and fourth Mondays of the month at the Pickering Community Center.
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