Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Bob Stiens, Chris Burns, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 10/22/2020. The motion passed.
Public comment: None
Requisitions: Sheriff to Derby for equipment; to MTE for equipment, utilizing CARES funds.
The commission, along with Ed Walker, Road and Bridge Supervisor, reviewed the Jackson insurance renewal. A call was put in to Jackson Insurance for clarification.
A call was put in to IHP Industrial regarding the boiler at the Courthouse. It had been started on October 26, but was not working this morning. A part will need to be replaced, but the unit is currently running. A ceiling tile in the treasurer’s office was looked at as well.
The commission met with Tye Parsons, grants coordinator at Northwest Missouri State University and Lt. Amanda Cullin with University Police Department (UPD) regarding an application that Northwest would like to apply for with the Missouri 911 Service Board for a grant for UPD. The grant would be used to assist with the back-up to the consolidated system. Parsons stated the county would need to be the applicant and work as the pass-through of the funds. Stiens made a motion to accept the Missouri 911 Service Board Grant Agreement. All were in favor. Also in attendance were Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer and Geoffrey Woehlk, Maryville Forum.
Jenkins talked with the commission about questions she has regarding HB351 and the county’s role in the process. Jenkins shared emails she has received for the commission to review and advise on.
Ryan Choquette, Tenaska – Clear Creek Wind project called to review punch list items they are working on.
Danielle Miller, Nodaway Valley Bank representative, spoke to the commission about their Health Savings Account (HSA) plan that NVB offers. Miller presented information and answered questions. The commission tabled a decision until Miller can get back to them with some further information they requested. Also in attendance were Jenkins, Rex Wallace, assessor and Tammy Carter, human resources director.
Sheriff Randy Strong and Sergeant Scott Wedlock discussed the 2014 Dodge Charger which has been totaled by our insurance company, MOPERM. Strong presented the commission with the amount MOPERM will be sending $10,685 for the totaled vehicle and quotes from Tri-State Ford and Meyer Auto for a replacement vehicle. Strong requested the title be signed and sent to MOPERM. The commission approved the purchase of a replacement vehicle for the Sheriff’s Department. Strong and Wedlock also discussed vehicles that are out of commission and need to set up to do sealed bids on. Wedlock will get a complete list to the commission for consideration.
Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
The commission voted to put Lisa Nickerson, Recorder in as the county’s delegate for the Missouri Association of Counties (MAC) Annual Conference. The virtual conference will be held on Monday, November 23.
The commission met with Brett McLain to discuss information he had submitted for video conferencing equipment through CARES Act Fund. Due to the approximate amounts of the equipment, the county will put this out to bid. Sealed bids will be accepted up to 9 am, November 12 in the office of the county commission.
Burns made a motion for the commission to adjourn until 10/29/2020.
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