Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners, Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 11/2/2021. The motion passed.
Public comment: None.
Accounts payable: Checks #79477-79492.
Approved: Clerk fee report.
Requisitions: Sheriff to Haug Communications, Inc. for radio upgrades, utilizing ARPA funds; road and bridge to Maryville Tools for equipment; public administrator to MTE for office equipment.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Public service announcement – Evergy; Mozingo Creek Watershed meeting invite.
A technician from MEI repaired the elevator at the Courthouse.
The commission, along with Marilyn Jenkins, collector treasurer, met with Darrell Cronk and Mike Wallace, Village of Arkoe to discuss the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds they have each received and the needs their entity has and how the county can assist.
Patton discussed issues that have come about with the scanning and archiving bids. The bid has been canceled and will be rebid at a later date. Patton also discussed with the group the request for funds for upgraded ADA election equipment. The sheriff’s department put in a requisition for updated radio upgrades utilizing ARPA funds. At the request of the commission, Jenkins will contact Daniel Negowski, tax associate with BKD Auditing, regarding legality of items requested by municipalities and county offices.
A call was taken from Lehr Construction regarding the upcoming bids at the Administration Center. They were advised that specs and floor plans can be found on the county website or they could come into the clerk’s office.
The commission reviewed an email from Atchison County Clerk regarding the mental health board that Judge Robert Rice is pulling together. A response was drafted and sent out to Atchison, Gentry, Holt and Worth County Clerks.
Tammy Carter reported that Maryville Florists had the wreath that will be displayed at the Courthouse as a part of the community christmas event. The wreath was picked up and transported to the Administration Center to begin putting it together. Walk reported that he had a lift and a volunteer from Northwest Missouri State University to assist in putting the lights up on the tree in the Courthouse lawn.
The commission, along with Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, inspected a tube on Road #932 in White Cloud Township, Bridge #956 in Grant Township and Road #593 in and the intersection of Roads #805 and #809 in Monroe Township.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
State Representative Jay Eggleston introduced himself to the commission and is putting in for the State Senate seat. Eggleston discussed the area and concerns the commission might have. Also present: Geoffrey Woehlk, Maryville Forum.
Burns made a motion to adjourn until 11/9/2021.
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