The North Nodaway R-VI Board of Education met in open and closed sessions on March 20 to handle the following school district business:
In closed session, the board approved 2019-20 employment of Sarah Emery, Katherine Hansen, Kaela Howard, Sami Jackson, Cassie Runde, Tana Wymer, Amanda Wonderly, Kit Meiners, Sam Riley, Gannon Albrecht, Elena Bellamy, Lindsi Jackson, Roger Johnson, Michael Trautz and Gretchen Wehmeyer.
The 2019-20 teachers’ base salary was increased by $300 and the non-certified base was raised 15¢. The superintendent and principals contracts were increased by 1.62 percent.
In open session, the board approved the mowing bid of Jeff Lyle for $250 per mowing of both the Hopkins and Pickering sites.
Elementary Principal Ashley Marriott explained the restrictions of the preschool having a child care regulation license with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. North Nodaway started the preschool through a grant program, which the school no longer receives. The preschool is overseen by the school district therefore doesn’t need the license and will be able to utilize more of the elementary school’s resources. The board approved dropping the license.
Superintendent James Simmelink reported the district would make up eight of the 10 snow days. The last day of school will be May 23.
The food service review was completed. The district hasn’t received the final report; however, there are a few items which will need to be addressed. The district will need to increase the price of adult lunches and some a la carte items.
The April board meeting will be at 7 pm, Wednesday, April 10.
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