The North Nodaway R-VI Board of Education met in open and closed session on January 16 to handle the following school district business.
The preliminary 2019-20 school year calender was reviewed. Even with the state change to attendance hours, instead of days, Superintendent James Simmelink went with 170 days of student attendance. This will allow the total number of hours to be greater than the minimum number required by the state. The teacher days are 182 and are specified by the teacher contracts.
The 2019-20 school year will start on August 15 and end on May 14, 2020. Winter break will begin with early dismissal on December 20 and will see the students back to school on January 6, 2020. Thanksgiving break will be November 27 to 29. Spring break will be April 10 and 13, 2020.
The April 2 ballot language was approved.
The board approved board policies BBB, school board election; BBBB, school board ballot issues; DC, taxing and borrowing authority and limitations; DG, depository of funds; DJFA, federal program and projects; GB, part-time and substitute employment; GBAC, staffing with and employing retirees; and GBEBC, criminal background checks.
The board rescinded board policies GCPC, retirement of professional staff members, and GDPC, retirement of support staff members. Most of the information contained in these two policies has been moved to policy GBAC.
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