A small contingency of Maryville small business owners met January 27 with Nodaway County and a City of Maryville leader to request relief from the American Rescue Plan Act monies which both government entities have received.
Holly Cronk, Melody Blair, Kyle Mayes and Jennifer Gillespie, representing Maryville retail business owners, addressed the county commissioners and Assistant City Manager Ryan Heiland during the commissioners’ Thursday session. Nodaway County Economic Development Executive Director Josh McKim and Maryville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Amy Gessert were also in attendance.
The group researched the possibilities for local businesses, which have been strapped for walk-in customers as well as other avenues for revenue during the recent COVID-19 surge. The business leaders also spoke to the supply chain issues they face with stocking appropriate inventory as another negative to the revenue stream of their businesses.
The county leadership agreed to open the application for funds to the county’s business owners. The application, which can be found on the website, nodawaycountymo.us, is a one-page questionnaire requesting the business owner to fill out the following questions:
• Please summarize how the COVID pandemic has negatively impacted your business.
• Please attach documentation of a decrease in sales over two one-month periods in 2021 compared to 2019.
• How will the business use these funds to reconnect with customers?
• Please attach the proposed budget for this project.
The application must be sent to nodcollector.treasurer@gmail.
The city leadership has not responded to their plans for small business relief.
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