At the Northeast Nodaway presentation were: Mylee Wimes, Sklyer Flores, Denise Henggeler, retired teacher; Barb Bredlow, grant winner; Trudy Kinman, retired teacher; Timmy Sparks and Principal Heidi Beatty.

The Nodaway County Association of Retired School Employees have awarded 10 grants to public school educators in the county.

This is the fourth year grants were awarded to county schools. These projects will enhance student learning with supplies needed for the activities.

Grant winners included:

Barb Bredlow from Northeast Nodaway will purchase supplies for her high school students to complete “Slow Stitching  – Bluejay Style” tapestries. Slow Stitching is an ancient practice of mindfully creating something new, using fabric, old clothes, etc. It also involved a variety of embroidery stitches.

Nikki Carter will purchase books to entice students at South Nodaway to read a variety of genres of books.

Joyce Moffat teaches fifth and sixth graders at Jefferson. She will buy books for students to read to learn about the Holocaust.

Chris Turpin will use grant money to purchase supplies for “Tub for Subs.” Supplies in these tubs will show appreciation to the substitute teachers.

Tenique Hayes’ high school students at Nodaway-Holt will use electric scissors and other supplies to build 3-D homes after they create the plans.

Robin Lewis’ elementary art students at Nodaway-Holt will work with clay as they develop creative and cognitive skills.

Jennifer McGuiness teaches preschool at West Nodaway and will purchase supplies to implement Bal-A-Vis Balance and Auditory Vision eXercises.

Becky Wynn will recieve supplies for middle school students in the STEM program at Maryville to learn the benefits of rapid prototyping using cardboard and Makedo scru-drivers and scrus.

Jill Auten will immerse Maryville preschool students in discovery and sensory play with a new water table.

Beth Wonderly  will implement “Fit to Read.” A program that combines exercise and literacy. New elementary level books will encourage student participation.