Maryville High School senior Colton Berry is the first high school student to earn the Youth Development Credential in Missouri.

Berry plans to continue his post-secondary education to become a high school social studies/history teacher.

Cari Coulter, Northwest Technical School teaching professions instructor, said, “Colton has been a student of teaching professions for two years. He has done all to earn this credential. It is quite an honor to be the first in the state.”

Berry has cadet taught at MMS for 480 hours in both the seventh and eighth grades history classes; plus he had 120 hours in the classroom. He endured and passed an online assessment and an oral interview on zoom with a member of the YDC committee. He prepared a lengthy portfolio. Plus he has been taking dual credit classes for his collegiate credit hours.

This credential will allow him to be eligible to be involved with before and after-school work with school children.