The almost a century-old Men’s Forum organization has resumed meeting after a three-year hiatus due to COVID-19 protocols.
Men’s Forum was organized November 23, 1927, by a Presbyterian minister, the Rev. William Dewer. The purpose of the group was to talk, listen and discuss community topics of interest. This early purpose describes the operation of the group as it is today.
The meetings are 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, and starting Tuesday, November 8 will be on Tuesdays, downstairs at the Maryville Community Center. A meal is catered by Hy-Vee where each member pays. The cost for dues is $10 per week which goes to pay for the meal.
President Allen Davison said there are 26 active members who have been meeting the month of October. Most of the members are retired and the club is open only to men. Other officers are Jeff Ferguson, secretary/treasurer; Joe Franks, vice-president; and Wayne Snyder, assistant treasurer/secretary.
In the past, the members of Men’s Forum have donated to The Ministry Center, Camp Quality and Samantha Raasch of One Act. Each meeting starts with a social time, then the meeting is called to order, the meal is served, club business is handled and then a guest speaker shares with the attendees. The members take turns in acquiring the speakers.
Those men who are interested in the Men’s Forum organization may contact a member to be invited to a meeting or call Davison at 660.541.4761.
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