As MR2 moves into an extended closure, we are preparing a more specific approach to academic instruction. Please understand during this unprecedented time, we aren’t trying to replicate school. Instead, we are trying our best to keep kids engaged and limit academic slide.
For consistency, all teachers are using a template to provide a few activities in their classes beginning on Monday, April 6. Activities will be accessed through the district website,, and high school students will access coursework through Schoology.
For students attending MECC or EFES, teachers are preparing activities that can be completed with or without the use of technology. Activities grades PreK- 8th will not be graded, but instead encouraged as an extension of learning already completed.
Please check your email for updates coming soon from building administration and classroom teachers. As students complete and submit work, teachers will monitor progress, be available electronically to assist, and provide feedback.
At the high school, second semester grades will be converted to a pass/fail system. Teachers will provide coursework necessary for credit attainment, monitor progress, provide feedback, and be available for electronic assistance. However, dual credit classes through NWMSU will be graded according to university policy.
Thank you for your patience. Stay home and stay well.
Dr. Becky Albrecht
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