Prior to the September 13 Maryville City Council meeting, the Assistant City Manager Ryan Heiland led a special budget workshop which reviewed the Mozingo Recreation Fund budget for 2021-22.
During the open meeting, the council attended to a variety of business items.
Agenda item, citizens to be heard, saw Jennifer Gillespie, owner of LaChic, request the procedure on street closures for events. She asked more communication between the city, event coordinators and businesses.
• Appointed Amy Gessert to the Tourism Committee and Mitch Coffelt to the Maryville Parks and Recreation board.
• Authorized the closure of streets for the 2021 Northwest Missouri State University’s Homecoming Parade at 9 am, October 30 noting the cost for the work of public safety officers and street crew is $880. There has not a regular hold harmless agreement presented to the city from Northwest but instead the university is presenting a separate solution for insurance.
• Executed a $49,561.58 contract with Allied Systems, Des Moines, IA, for sewer improvements to the Southwest Lift Station. There is $50,000 in the water-sewer fund’s budget.
• Accepted a lowest bid for golf cart leasing of 75 carts with Masek Golf Car Company, Gering, NE for a Yamaha Motor Finance Company lease at $270,720 for four years total. The 2021 estimated revenue for the golf cart rental this year is $198,000.
• Approved a four year lease agreement with GPS Technologies, Inc., Holly Springs, NC, for iPar7 GPS units for the golf cars at $44,352 for the term.
• Executed a contract with Pope Dirt Work, Pickering to shape the new RV sites on the south side at Mozingo Lake for $20,000.
• Adopted the strategic goals for the 2022 fiscal year of the city including
-Efficiently Implement Improvements to the South Main Corridor
– Redevelop the Physical, Economic and Cultural Viability of Downtown Maryville
– Improve the Overall Quality of Water from Mozingo Lake
– Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities
– Ensure Fiscal Sustainability and Good Governance
The council participated in discussion led by City Manager Greg McDanel concerning the estimated allocation of $2.34 million American Rescue Plan Act Funds and what is allowed for expenditures.
McDanel shared Estate Management Services will be doing another treatment at Mozingo Lake September 14.
Councilwoman Rachael Martin noted social media had reported the city code officers had recently tagged a property on the downtown square as dangerous and this was a reason the property owner opted not to develop at this time. However the city’s involvement with the property dated back to 2014. Also she requested a date for the fall clean up of the community, which City Clerk Stacy Wood noted there is not a set clean up date.
The council adjourned the open session and went into closed session for two real estate dealings.
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