At the Hopkins City Council meeting, September 13, the ground known as 12119 Katy Road and 12048 State Highway 148 was annexed into the city.
Ordinance #475 was read three times and approved. At this time, the property does not have sewer or water service. The council was not aware of any future plans to have these services installed.
A letter has been sent to the owner of dilapidated buildings giving them 60 days to fix or tear down.
Mid-America Road Builders, Platte City, was to notify the city on September 15 of what date the company would start on the street work.
Discussion was held and the decision was made to go with the Haynes Equipment Company, Inc., Olathe, KS, bid for the High Tide Telemetry for the water treatment plant.
The unit will have the 24/7 factory support of equipment, Verizon or ATT service, personalized website and communication. The software cost is $12,100 and after the first year, $540 per year. The council went with the complete replacement and upgrade of the water treatment plant control panel at a cost of $22,425. The city will also need to pay for an electrician for the project.
The upgraded system will allow water maintenance Operator Chris Bird to monitor the pumps and the water tower from his phone.
The city has money in the water account for most of the cost. It can borrow against the Rickard Fund for the remainder but will need to pay the funds back from water receipts.
City Clerk Dee O’Riley has applied for a grant through the America CARES Act which can be used for the project. She had wanted the council to wait until the grant was secured, however, the council went ahead with the project.
The bid from Ron Cross Home Improvements, Hopkins, was approved for the roof and sides of the ice shed. It included $1,750 for labor and $3,275.81 for materials. This includes everything except the front door. Bird is not sure what he wants yet. Estimated time to complete is two weeks.
A waiver of the sewer fee of $92.95 on a water leak at 306 North Third Street was approved.
The council went into closed session for personnel issues.
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