After a special meeting for a budget workshop and a public hearing, the Maryville City Council held an open meeting September 27 at the Maryville Community Center.

The special meeting allowed city staff and the council to discuss possible advances for tourism efforts, municipal court transference to associate circuit court, police department personnel challenges and the water-sewer rates. The adoption of the 2021-22 budget will be posed to the council September 30.

The public hearing concerned the city’s application of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) with a resolution that was approved in the open meeting. The resolution allows for excessive force if a non-violent civil right demonstration occurs that requires such action from public safety. The CDBG grant is being applied for the South Main Corridor Improvement Project, Phase II seeking $2 million with a $283,280 local match. If awarded, this grant would be added to the $3.625 million grant from the US Economic Development Administration.

Adam Marriott, owner of AA Amusements, addressed the council concerning the issue of his  business expansion to be located in the 100 block of North Main, the Elks Club building. After a walk-through with city code enforcement, a letter was received six-weeks later saying the building did not meet code. After Marriott made a phone call with code enforcement asking what needed to be fixed and five weeks passed before the list was provided. Marriott, who was extremely frustrated, reported his business will not proceed with the purchase. He questioned why there was no clear procedure to be in place.

Within the open meeting, a request was made by Kathryn Rice for the 26th Annual Downtown Trick or Treat event for the city staff to close streets during the October 28 event. Councilwoman Rachel Martin noted she didn’t approve the event’s street closure without the signature of owners or managers for all businesses affected. Rice noted no business she approached refused to sign. Councilman Tye Parsons tried to clarify the process of the collection of signatures. Parsons made a motion to close the streets. Councilman John McBride asked for a contingency to the motion that all the business signatures affected are required. Councilman Dannen Merrill seconded the motion. The vote was 4-1 with McBride voting “no.”

A HDR Engineering representative presented the progress report of the Mozingo Lake watershed monitoring plan.

Council action included:

• Readoption of the fair housing ordinance required for the CBDG grant application concerning the South Main Improvement Project, Phase II.

• Authorized the filing of municipal court cases into the associate circuit court system to be in effect early 2022.

• Amended the hours of operation of sales of intoxicating liquor on Sundays to begin at 6 am plus on Mondays 1:30 am to be in compliance with state law, which went into effect August 28.

• Adjusted the 2020-21 budget to allow for a budget item concerning the debt retirement fund.

• Executed a contract with Estate Management Services of Missouri for purchase and application of Earth Tec at Mozingo Lake not to exceed the amount of $109,340 for algicide which will come from next year’s budget.

After a busy, lengthy open meeting, the council briefly discussed the American Recovery Plan Act Funds with City Manager Greg McDanel who detailed projects that will qualify for the federal monies, which will be drawn upon in the 2021-2022 budget. Parson requested McDanel to prioritize the possible expenditures and Merrill asked the projects be detailed to the appropriate fund expense.


McDanel shared a preconstruction meeting was held and a utility coordination meeting upcoming on the South Main Improvement Project, Phase I with a possible groundbreaking ceremony to be within the next couple of weeks and the GAC Adsorber progress and is on schedule to be operational in Mozingo Lake this fall.

Merrill asked about a letter to be sent to affected businesses of any planned event. Martin asked for the process to be consistent. City Clerk Stacy Wood asked for help with developing contact information through email addresses for each of the town’s businesses.

Council went into closed session for the topic of real estate dealings.

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