Greg McDanel, Maryville city manager, sent out a progress report September 21 via email on the South Main Phase II work.

“As you may know, the City of Maryville has officially begun construction on the South Main Corridor Improvement Project, Phase II. The project continues infrastructure improvements south along South Main Street from Highway V to Highway 71 Bypass. The project includes an expanded three-lane roadway, concrete curb and gutter, realigned and reduced access points, enclosed storm sewer system, widened intersection at Horsepower Drive, sidewalks and shared-use trail, raised median south of Larry Lane, water main replacement, decorative LED street and pedestrian lighting, landscaping and wayfinding signage. Due to the significant expense, overhead electric utility lines will remain in place for Phase II.

“To keep you informed on the progress, I will be sending biweekly updates outlining the latest construction milestones, any potential impacts to traffic or access, and other relevant project details. These updates are intended to ensure you have timely information as we work to improve this important community gateway.”

As background, he noted, “on June 24th, the City Council approved a contract with Genesis Environmental Solutions, Inc. for construction of the project in an amount not-to-exceed $7,024,392.73.

“A Notice to Proceed was issued on August 19th for a 540-calendar day contract to reach substantial completion. Genesis Environmental Solutions, Inc. has begun installation of erosion control fencing, grading and dirt work in preparation for the enclosed storm sewer system.

“Several private utilities are working to relocate lines/facilities identified as conflicts for construction.”

For more detailed information on project scope and background, the project’s webpage at