The Maryville R-II School Board met February 15 to approve personnel and conduct the following business:
The following individuals were approved for hire: George Kegode, high school soccer assistant coach; Gina Felzke, second grade; Anna Hulsey, third grade; Darcie Rougeau, first grade; and Kendle Luke, second grade.
Jennifer Stoll was reassigned to Title I reading, Kristen Aley was reassigned to kindergarten and Amy Flohr was reassigned as the child care teacher at Northwest Technical School.
Kim Walker was approved as the summer school administrator.
The following administrators received a one-year extension on their contracts: Steve Klotz, assistant superintendent; Thom Alvarez, high school principal; Jeremy Ingraham, tech school director; Kevin Pitts, middle school principal; Brian Lynn, elementary principal; Craig Borey, high school assistant principal; Kate Lydon, middle school assistant principal; Kim Walker, elementary school assistant principal; Katie Neubauer, student services director; and Michelle McCollum, student services assistant director.
It was decided to close a second-grade classroom for the 2017-2018 school year due to class size and open an additional third-grade class.
The district will be offering a 24-day, full-day summer school program from May 22 to June 23. The board approved adding a summer school nurse and secretary.
CTA president Daniel Brooks presented insulated cups to the board members for school board appreciation week.
In other business, the board approved the 2017-2018 school calendar.
Ingraham reported that the building trades class is exploring ideas for its next project. Some of the ideas include a project with Northwest, building another house or various district projects.
The district’s computer technology team has been busy switching the district email addresses to Google email accounts.
The Maryville Education Foundation has contributed $1,000 to support the teacher and staff members of the year.
Lynn reported that the Speedy Spoofhound annual 5K will be on April 22.
Pitts reported that the middle school earned Lighthouse School status.
Alvarez reported the following:
•Officer Josh McMillen, school resource officer, presented a lesson to students about cyber-safety, sexting and safe school laws.
•Spoofy Beans, the high school student coffee shop, presented its model to the local area special education group.
•The international club held its American Heart Association fundraiser, teaching students how to perform hands-only CPR.
•Scoreboards have been purchased for the FEMA gym and the flooring is being installed.
•Maintenance personnel installed new partitions in the high school girls locker room, changed the filters on the HVAC systems, replaced oak veneer panels around the high school stage and completed many other projects.
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