Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 3/9/23. The motion passed.
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The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Thank you card from Nodaway County Senior Center, invite from Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation’s Annual Dinner, email from Missouri Association of Counties (MAC) on Senate Bill 8 and Legislative Conf., Extension expense report.
Reviewed the letter and map sent by Atchison Township officials. Returned several calls to residents or landowners in Atchison Township regarding the brush law letters that were sent out.
Reviewed and signed off on Supplemental Agreement 1 for Bro-R074(63) Bridge. Spoke with Lindsay Chaffin, Great River Engineering.
Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, gave project status updates. Discussed a potential tube project in Union Township.
Reviewed an estimate for roof repair on the Administration Center from Cornerstone Roofing.
Spoke with Andy Macias, Snyder & Associates regarding the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant status.
Discussed a road abandonment issue on Road #1051 with Schrader Law Firm. Also discussed Missouri brush law for clarification.
Inspected Road #831 in Monroe Township and a tube on Road #474 in Polk Township. A call was put in to Mark Wilson, Polk Township maintenance operator to discuss the tube.
Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Returned a call to a concerned citizen regarding blacktop highways B and JJ in Hopkins/Union Townships.
The commission, along with Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, discussed requests that have been made for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Requests approved: Today’s Civic Women (TCW), $2,500 and Elmo Community Betterment, $5,000. A call was put in to Jerri Dearmont, NWMO Regional Council of Governments to discuss City of Barnard’s project. Dearmont will call back after making a few calls.
Burns made a motion to adjourn until 3/16/2023.
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