Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Bob Stiens, Chris Burns, associate commissioners, Walker and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Stiens made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Stiens made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 6/18/2020. The motion passed.
Approved: liquor license applications for Dollar General Store #1227, Eagles #3669, State Line Cycle, City of Maryville, Breaktime and Tuck Point Bar and Grill. An invoice to Jessica J. Jones Law, LLC for special prosecutor. Accounts payables: checks #76438-76451.
Requisitions: prosecuting attorney to PTC Laboratories, Inc. for trial expense.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: COVID-19 emails.
The commission met with Kim Mildward, NW Regional Council of Government, to review the packet of information received for the 2020 Historic Preservation Fund grant. Nodaway County has been selected for an award amount of $18,000 to assist with a feasibility study on the Courthouse. Stiens made a motion to sign the Financial Assistance agreement and attachments and proceed with the project. Burns seconded. All were in favor. A call was put in to Allison Archambo, Preservation Planner and Grants Manager with Missouri State Parks to discuss next steps. Documents were signed and emailed to Archambo.
Sheriff Randy Strong and Sergeant Scott Wedlock gave updates on the department.
Judge Roger Prokes, Robert Rice, prosecuting attorney, and David Baird came in to discuss placing an interim prosecuting attorney upon Rice’s resignation from the position due to his appointment to the vacant associate judge’s seat. Rice stated he intends to submit his letter of resignation effective at 11:59 pm, July 3. At which time, Baird will be acting interim prosecuting attorney until one is officially appointed by Governor Mike Parson.
Prokes also discussed an upcoming jury trial to be held in Nodaway County. Additional sanitation will be necessary as well as a larger room for the jury selection process and jury breaks and deliberation. The County Administration Center conference room will be used for the jury process.
Assessor Rex Wallace and Collector/Treasurer Marilyn Jenkins met with the commission to discuss the windmill projects as they relate to tax levies. An email from Reed Bartels, Tradewind Energy/Enel was discussed and forwarded on to Lisa Macali and Josh McKim with Nodaway County Economic Development to assist with some of the questions within the email.
Burns made a motion to commission adjourn for lunch. The motion passed.
The commission met with a landowner from Hughes Township regarding Road #909 with Enel – White Cloud Wind project.
Stiens made a motion to commission to adjourn until 6/25/2020.
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