Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Bob Stiens, Walker, Chris Burns and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Stiens made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 7/9/2020. The motion passed.
Approved: Invoice to Complete Outdoor Services and Geist Heating & Air.
Requisitions: Sheriff to Walker Body Shop for equipment; to Western Detention for lock; county clerk to Elkins-Swyers for ballots; assessor to Tan-Tar-A Resort for training.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: sales tax / use tax / R&B special sales tax report, Extension Council report for June 2020.
Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer discussed completed CARES Act applications and reported on a conversation with Ivan Schraeder, attorney, regarding the parameters as set by the state and the same wording within the grant application packet. The commission started the review process on five completed applications from local small businesses. A discussion was held regarding Northwest Missouri State University’s proposal. Stiens made a motion to grant the university $100,000 for Option 1 for surveillance testing. All were in favor. A call was put in to Dr. John Jasinski with the information and a formal letter will follow.
Paul Janicek, co-founder and CEO of DocuLock, LLC, spoke with the commission about scanning and preserving county documents. Janicek discussed the work he is currently doing in collaboration with the county clerk’s office.
A resident stopped in to talk to the commission about road conditions due to the increased traffic from the windmill construction with Enel – White Cloud Wind project.
The commission reviewed a development plan and a license, sent by Adrienne E. Joyner, attorney for Enel wind project. Documents were forwarded on to Ivan Schraeder, attorney, for review.
The commission responded to Precision Lock on the keys and FOB access system at the Courthouse. The exterior doors will be FOB access only with a key override option. A total of five keys will be needed.
Stiens made a motion to commission adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
The commission inspected Road #367 in Polk Township, Roads #269, #2775, #277, #281, #282, #283, #289, #291, #306, #307 and #119 all in Union Township, Road #151 and #154 in Hopkins Township and Roads #274, #93, #95 and #99 in Atchison Township.
Andy Macias, Snyder and Associates, called in with an status update on BRO Bridge #61.
Stiens made a motion to commission adjourn until 7/21/2020. The motion passed.
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