Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns, associate commissioner and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 2/1/2021. The motion passed. Minutes were later amended to add the awarded amounts for painting and carpet.
Approved: Clerk fee report for January 2022; Recorder fee report for January 2022; Circuit Clerk’s Pitney Bowes contract.
Requisitions: Road and bridge to Northwest Equipment Rental for equipment maintenance.
Public comment: None.
Accounts payable: Checks #79877-79919.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Public Service Commission with Evergy Metro, Inc.
Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, discussed crew activity. Engle will touch base with Foley Equipment to get an invoice for the remainder of cost of the skid loader.
Elaine Wilson, circuit clerk, called the commission to let them know that she is opting to hold off on hiring an additional clerk for her office to handle the Municipal Court.
Josh McKim, Nodaway County Economic Development director and Greg McDanel, City of Maryville manager, met with the commission to further discuss the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program for Nodaway County on the commercial side. PACE is a financing tool for green energy savings. McKim shared a draft ordinance for the commissioners to review. The draft ordinance was provided to the City of Maryville by Josh Campbell, with the Missouri Energy Initiative (MEI.) McKim and McDanel encouraged the commission to contact Campbell to discuss the program. The commission plans to review the ordinance with Ivan Schraeder, county attorney and study the program more. Also in attendance: Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, Kay Wilson, Nodaway News Leader and Geoffrey Woehlk, Maryville Forum.
Andy Abbott, MTE, stopped in to discuss the fob system for the new office space for the Northwest Children’s Advocacy Task Force program.
A resident of Polk Township stopped in to discuss a tube issue on 120th street. A call was put in to Dan Bozarth, City of Maryville, to discuss who is responsible for the tube. No action was taken.
The commission, along with Engle, inspected Road #465 and a culvert on Road 245th Street both in Polk Township, Road #463, Road #457 and BRO-B074(62) both in Jackson Township.
Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
A resident of Grant Township stopped in to discuss a road to the house he is building on Road #951. The commission discussed options the resident would have for the road. The resident was referred to the township officials.
A call was put in to Campbell, with the MEI to discuss the PACE program. The commissioners discussed a county-wide ordinance for commercial property only. There was discussion with Campbell regarding incorporated towns vs. unincorporated towns utilizing the program. A county-wide ordinance may not be necessary due to incorporated towns needing to apply for themselves. There would not be any business within the county that are not located outside of incorporated towns. The commission asked for by-laws to be shared for review. Campbell will send these via email. Campbell stated that the Show Me PACE program utilizes a third party to collect the money and does not run through the county. The commission plans to review some questions with Schrader before making any decisions. Also present: Jenkins.
Jenkins presented a revised American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) application for the commission to review. The commission suggested a few minor changes. Jenkins will make these and the application will be available on the county’s website. The deadline for the application is February 21.
Randa Doty, Nodaway County Extension county engagement specialist in agriculture and environment, presented the Nodaway County Extension 2021 Annual Report to the commission.
A call was put into Andy Abbott, MTE to discuss options for a speaker for the phone.
Burns made a motion to adjourn until 2/8/2022. The motion passed.
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