Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 12/15/22. The motion passed.
Approved: Transfer of sick leave from one employee to another; liquor license for Maryville Pub, LLC; ARPA payment packet.
Public comment: None.
Accounts payable: No checks.
Requisitions: None.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Thank you from Missouri Boys State; closeout email with document request for BRO-074(62) from MoDOT; National Opioid Settlement payment notification email; invite to Chamber Cheer on December 23.
Reviewed submitted request for American Rescue Plan Act, ARPA, funding from the NWMO Cooperative Mental Health Board for $40,000. The commission has previously discussed this and earmarked funds but dependent on other county contributions. Nodaway County Soil & Water Conservation District request for $20,000.
Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, reported crew activity to the commission. The crew will assist the prosecuting attorney in moving furniture on Thursday so work can be performed on the ceiling in that office.
Larry Jacobson, Snyder & Associates, stopped in to give an update on BRO-R074(64) process and discuss the MoDOT bridge report for upcoming bridge work.
A call was returned to Bill Cowden regarding the public hearing set at 10 am, December 29, regarding the abandonment of a portion of Road #234 in Independence Township. Cowden is not able to attend due to a conflict but will come in prior to the hearing date to discuss.
A message from Cheryl Chestnut was discussed. Chestnut is willing to serve for two more years on the Senior Citizens Special Tax Fund Board. The commission appointed her to the board for that term and will look to fill the other two years closer to the end of Chestnut’s term. Sandy Sorenson returned a call to the commission to discuss the open board seat. Sorenson agreed to the four-year term and was appointed by the commission to fill the seat. A call was put in to Ruth Adwell, Senior Citizens Special Tax Fund board secretary, to let her know about these board seats.
Walker reported that there was an issue with the north exterior door of the Administration Center that he looked at on Monday. The door may need professional help in the future. Walker also reported the generator was not working correctly. A call was put in to Coenen Electric to look at the issue.
The commission reviewed requests from Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation for $2,000 and Nodaway County Economic Development for $45,000. Sharleen Pritt-Bothwell and Annetta Owens, from the juvenile office, met with the commission to present their FY23 budget request. Also present: Marilyn Jenkins, collector treasurer.
Jenkins presented the 2022 treasurer’s report through December 20, 2022 and discussed remaining items from the Northwest Missouri Child Advocacy Task Force. Discussed possible Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2023. Walk made a motion to give a 5 percent COLA increase across the board. The motion passed. The County Employees’ Retirement Fund (CERF) annual contribution election form was filled out. The county will remain at the same four percent contribution rate for 2023. The form was returned to the CERF representative.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Andy Macias, Snyder & Associates, called in to answer questions the commission had on bridges and to set up a meeting time to review documents. The meeting time was set at 9 am, January 3, 2023.
The commission, along with Rex Wallace, assessor, Jenkins and Patton reviewed the treasurer’s report and discussed the COLA options.
Sarah Prickett, intern at Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments, met with the commission and Major Scott Wedlock on the Jail Maintenance and Improvement Grant documents. Prickett listed items that will be included in the grant based off of estimates received as well as items that did not get covered due to lack of estimates received. The cash match will be utilized through the ARPA funds. The grant will be completed and submitted December 21. Also present: Jenkins.
Walk made a motion to adjourn until 12/22/2022.
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