Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 12/8/22. The motion passed.
Approved: Invoice to B&G Catering.
Public comment: None.
Accounts payable: Checks #81739-81797.
Requisitions: Road and bridge to Consumer Oil Co. for tires; sheriff to Haug Communications, Inc. for equipment and equipment maintenance; to Axon Enterprise, Inc for equipment.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: quote for equipment from Larson Electronics; quote for Switchvox phone system subscription from United Fiber
Road and bridge fuel and equipment report; sheriff vehicle report; Amendment 3: Sales Tax Order on Adult Use Marijuana; South Main Corridor Improvement Project update.
The commission reviewed requests from Big Brother/Big Sister, American Red Cross, The Ministry Center, Boys State and Girls State for the FY2023 budget.
Reviewed an email from David Earls, MoDOT, regarding preliminary design on Bridge #0228013.
Completed a reference form for Snyder and Associates. A call was put in to Larry Jacobson, Snyder and Associates, regarding the BRO Bridge process for FY2023 and the softmatch bridges. Bridge #0790 was discovered to be ineligible for the Softmatch process as this bridge is not on MoDOT’s Deficient Bridge list. The commission will look into this with Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor.
A public hearing was held regarding the abandonment a portion of the East 152 feet of County Road 1051, also known as Vance Drive in Section 24, Township 64 North, Range 35 West in Nodaway County. Walker called the hearing to order and turned it over to Patton to read the notice. Walker then opened the hearing up to questions and discussion from the public in attendance. The commission plans to contact the utility company for more information. A decision was tabled and a follow-up was scheduled for at 11 am, December 29. Also present: Kim Talmadge, Jared Gallagher, Gene Auten, Barb Anderson, RoAnne Solheim, Roger M. Snead, Barb Dueker, Chris Dueker, Melvin Stoll, Ron Kerwood, Donna Frandsen, Wayne Pierson and Engle.
A call was put in to Pat Walter, United Electric, to discuss the property Stoll has for sale. United Electric may be looking to purchase property for a new sewer plant.
Prosecuting Attorney Elect Tina Deiter, stopped in to discuss office set-up and changes she is considering. The commission will make calls to discuss possibilities brought forth by Deiter. A message was left with Judge Robert Rice and the commission spoke with Judge Corey Herron. Ceiling work in the west side of the prosecuting attorney’s office needs work and will be lined out. Also discussed cell phone budget request in FY2023.
The commission met with Sheriff Randy Strong regarding invoices submitted for approval.
Maryville Glass and Lock worked on the interior ADA accessible door at the Administration Center. Walk worked on a letter to elevator safety division of the Missouri Department of Public Safety for elevator variances. A call was put in to Coenen Enterprises to have them look at the south light that shines on the Courthouse tower.
A county resident stopped in to request the county consider paying more to the Laura Street Baptist Church for poll rent.
Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
The commission, along with Engle, inspected Road #1051 and Bridge #576006 both in Polk Township as well as Bridge #7900024 in Hughes Township.
A citizen that farms ground in Lincoln Township called regarding Road #2 that is being considered for reconstruction in FY2023. A call was made to a resident of Lincoln Township regarding clearing trees and brush along Road #2.
Collector Treasurer Marilyn Jenkins reported to the commission that the Senior Citizens Special Tax Fund board has two board seats expiring. One board member is not going to renew his term. Jenkins gave two names that the board had put out as possible replacements. The commission plans to make calls.
The commission signed a letter of support for the Tourism Asset Development Grant that the City of Maryville is applying for in regards to the RV expansion at Mozingo Lake Recreation Park.
Burns made a motion to adjourn until 12/15/2022. The motion passed.
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